In April the Surgery began to offer further booster vaccinations to those most at risk from COVID.
Eligible people include those aged 75 and over (by June 30); those aged 5 and over with weakened immune systems; and residents of care homes for older adults. Eligible people can also book boosters on the National Booking Service or the NHS App or visit a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination site.
For more information, please visit Morland House website:
Also, the website provides a wealth of information and guidance on managing a vast number of health conditions, symptoms, and treatment e.g.
1. Up-to-date information about surgery opening hours and the wide range of services provided, including new dispensary hours.
2. Morland House Surgery is part of a Primary Care Network involving three other neighbouring GP practices. The PCN now offers patients enhanced access to GPs and nurses later in the evening and on Saturdays.
3. A link to the electronic consulting service eConsult. Use eConsult to ask about your health symptoms, conditions, or treatment. You can even request things like sick notes and GP letters. From the home page click on ‘Contact your GP practice Online’.
4. A link to the NHS App. Download the App, or open the NHS website in a web browser, to set up and log in to your NHS Account. Owned and run by the NHS, your NHS Account is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services online.
5. Up to date information on current news items including:
- Oxford Community Diagnostic Centre – X-Rays, blood tests, ultrasounds, CTs and more
- Information on the NHS 111 online service which is available 24/7
- Advice on how to stay healthy and well
- COVID-19 and flu vaccine updates
- Looking after your mental health
- Electronic Prescribing Service (EPS)
- Group A strep and scarlet fever, advice for parents and guardians
- Discontinuation of blister pack recycling
- 24/7 breastfeeding support
- Expansion of bowel cancer screening programme.
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