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From the Parish Council Chairman - May 2024

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I hope you don’t mind that I am only writing on one subject this month but this is because our Parish Clerk, Mike Mount, has decided to step down after almost 2 decades in the role.

Although this has come too soon for me personally, I cannot deny that 18 years of serving our community is an incredible shift. He has provided such continuity and efficiency during this time that it seemed impossible that he’d ever hang up his pencil, or should I say laptop. 

Mike’s diligence, experience and attention to detail has enabled other hard-working parishioners to volunteer as councillors on the PC, safe in the knowledge that the paperwork is done, the insurance is sorted, the books are in order and community affairs are in good hands.

The importance of this cannot be underestimated as Mike has seen dozens of councillors contribute to the parish but he’s always carried the heavy load for us.

Obviously, Mike has been working for us all for far longer than I’ve been on the Parish Council, but during my time he has been the rock that makes everything work and, in recent years, has helped us through the covid pandemic, a switch to an online banking system, found insurers still prepared to cover bonfire night, dealt with the changes involved with GDPR… it’s endless. He’s handled it all with grace and accuracy as our constant requests for research into various options and enterprises never let up.

Mike has spent most Decembers decorating our village Christmas tree and finally taught me and Robin how to do this, so if he can lend us his pointy stick we will be able to continue to light up Christmas.

In the meantime, I know that he will give any assistance needed by our next clerk so that they can become the same stable hand for our community.

Thank you, Mike, on behalf of us all.

