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From the Parish Council Chairman - October 2022

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I feel like we have entered a new era since I last wrote and a lot has happened.

The sad passing of the Queen brings a time of instability, coupled with a brand new government, a rise in covid cases and a cost of living crisis this winter. Cheery stuff.

But ironically the mourning period for Queen Elizabeth is the thing that gives me the most hope for our future. The way we stepped up to honour her 70 years of service and the outpouring of national affection, reflected in the queues at Westminster Hall, gives me the belief that we have an understated pride in this country that will get us through this winter and the next.

In our own little patch the college, vicar and neighbours, especially church wardens Robert and Anne, ensured that we honoured the Queen reverently in recent weeks. I have also spoken to parishioners who joined that queue in London and spent a night meeting strangers that became friends as they all shared a communion of British spirit. I have hope that Charles can bring us the stability that his mother did during the turbulent times which saw 15 different Prime Ministers.

Meanwhile, as our Parish Clerk reports in his notes, the County Council has a proposal in for changing the road access in Oxford. The consultation period ends on 13th October. Follow this link and make a comment, as you will either be very pleased or very worried by the plans to stop cars from entering Oxford except from a few limited entry points. It's important you respond so your voice is heard.

Also, rest assured we have battled with fly-tipping, the state in which the Dove House Farm development has left that road, spring leaks and potholes. We are trying our best along with your County Councillor, Tim, and our SODC Councillor, Elizabeth. It’s frustrating at times but we work for you.

I’ll leave you with my favourite memory of the mourning period: Our very own Paul ‘Salt’ Sellar was asked to toll the bell at noon on the day after the Queen’s passing, as with royal protocol. I was worried I couldn’t hear it and so nipped up the hill from Denton just as Salt came down from the All Saints’ bell tower.  I was greeted by Salt and our church warden, Robert.

“Did you count the 70 chimes, okay?” I asked.

“Well, I rang for a full 10 minutes”, answered Salt.

“I started counting but when he got past 100 I just stopped and enjoyed it” said Robert.

I think it may have been 140 all told. A double salute for our Queen from Cuddesdon and Denton. I think she deserved it.

Ohana,  Chris