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From the Parish Council Chairman - February 2025

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Happy New Year! With no separate January edition of the Newsletter, I think this is still appropriate, but if you insist, then Happy Valentine’s Day.

There have been some great steps forward in the last 2 months with the liquid launch of the Bat & Ball before Christmas and then the delights of food in January. I know that the whole community has been lifted by the pub’s re-opening and I hope that Ben and his team can build on our enthusiasm to make the Bat & Ball a thriving business for many years to come.

Also, we have signed off on the Community Orchard Project finally, which means that the Orchard Group can buy trees and start to make our new Parish Orchard, below the recreation ground, a new green space that we can all enjoy. The Parish Council thanked the ‘apple scrimpers’ responsible for making this happen when we met in January. I know that the likes of Ron, Nicko, Salt, Graham, Roger et al will be looking for new enthusiasts in the village to help make the project a success over the next 50 years. I’d also like to thank Richard Farrant and Susan Jupp for entrusting us with this farmland and believing in the idea of a community orchard.

Sadly, Robin Baylie is stepping down from the Parish Council and I want to thank him for all the years of service he has given the community. Robin’s last job for the PC was to take down the lights with Lisa on the village Christmas Tree at the start of January and they’d also put them up a month earlier. This has all been on top of Robin being Neighbourhood Watch lead for Parkside and Lisa delivering the Parkside Newsletters. They continue to be proper troopers.

On the subject of the Christmas Tree, I’d like to thank David Keene for supplying our village tree again and also Graham Sellar for its removal. 

We’ll miss Robin on the PC and you may have seen that there’s a notice up on the Parish Notice Board declaring the vacancy. There’s more information in this edition of the Newsletter about the process of appointing a new councillor. Please do throw your hat in the ring if you 

think you can help. The PC is all about helping people. That’s the only reason I’m on it. I look forward to having a full Council again as soon as we can achieve it. The main requirement is to be able to make the meetings, usually on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm, as that’s when we discuss things.

In the meantime, Happy February everybody.

