By the time you read this, we hope that the Parish Council will have signed a 50 year lease for the land below the recreation ground to establish a community orchard for the village. A huge step forward.
A big thank you to Richard Farrant and Susan Jupp who own the land and have agreed to lease it for an annual rent of one apple. And another big thank you to our District Councillor, Sam James-Lawrie, who has helped massively with a grant from SODC for half of the solicitor’s fees.
We’ve submitted a bid to the Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment (TOE) to pay for many more trees as well as the equipment we need to look after them. We hope to hear before Christmas.
In the meantime, we’re very grateful to those in the village who have donated trees. We’ll be planting these soon when the weather’s right. You’re all invited. Keep your eye on the village WhatsApp group for more details.
If you’d like to donate a tree to the project, simply as a gift or as a memorial, please do. We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with Ron Stern or Nicko King for details of how it would work.
Nicko King
Orchard Committee
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