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From the Vicar - May 2024

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From the Vicar


I hope that you are all well, have enjoyed Easter, and are enjoying the signs of Spring?

In recent weeks, I have enjoyed noticing the trees and hedgerows becoming greener, buds appearing, and the beautiful blossom on our flowering cherry trees, and the apple trees in our small orchard.

The bluebells are out in the woods, and I’ve seen more cowslips than ever before.  Cuddesdon is particularly lovely at this time of year!

As I pondered what to write for this month’s article, whilst walking in Bernwood Forest this afternoon, observing the greenness, listening to the bird song, and watching some distant roe deer, I recalled a poem-prayer in one of my books which talks of the greening of trees.  I felt that God was nudging me to share this prayer poem with you, so I hope that some of you will find that it speaks to you.  It is entitled ‘May Time,’ which seems particularly appropriate for the May edition of our village newsletter:


The greening of trees

The gentling of friends

Laughter’s healing art

And love’s costly power

Beckon and lead me onwards.


O God, star-kindler

Kindle a flame of love within me

To lighten my path

In days or darkness.


O God, sun-warmer

Warm me with your love

To melt the frozen hand

Of guilt.


O God, moon-burnisher

Burnish my shield of faith

That I may seek justice

And follow in the ways

Of peace.


(Kate McIlhagga, ‘May Time, in The Green Heart of the Snowdrop.’


This month, the Church will celebrate Rogationtide, Ascension Day, Pentecost (or Whit Sunday) and Trinity Sunday, and Corpus Christi (or the Day of Thanksgiving for Holy Communion).  For many Christians, May is also ‘Mary’s month,’ dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus.  According to one website, “Mary’s example teaches us faith, obedience, humility and most of all, how to love.”  I hope and pray that, in this month of May, God will “kindle a flame of love” within us, to lighten our path, and will teach us how to love one another, so that we may seek justice for all God’s precious children, and follow in the ways of peace.

May God bless you, and keep you.

The Revd Karen x