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From the Vicar - June 2024

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I’d like to begin by thanking everyone who worked so hard to organise and run the annual Cuddesdon Fete, including Ripon College Cuddesdon for hosting the fete.

We had a lovely day, the sun shone, the band played and we raised important funds for All Saints Church.  Thank you to all who contributed, in whatever way.

I am writing this on the feast of Pentecost – formerly known as Whit Sunday – when the Church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit.

All Saints' Church held our Annual Parochial Church Meeting last Sunday (19th May).  After 11 years of faithful service to All Saints Church, and its congregation, Robert Wilson had decided the time was right to step down as Churchwarden. We marked the occasion with prosecco and cake, at the end of our meeting, and a small presentation from the church congregation.  Robert's efficiency in managing a host of questions, building projects and events in All Saints’ will be sorely missed, but he has assured those of us trying to fill the gap of his continuing support. I would like to record my immense gratitude to Robert, for all that he has done to support me, personally, in my ministry over the past 4.5 years.  I would also like to thank Anne Stern for agreeing to continue as sole Churchwarden for a further year.

The role of Churchwarden is a demanding role - Robert managed building projects, the vacancy after Emma left, bell repairs, and a variety of other tasks. Although I have every confidence in Anne and her abilities, I do think that the Churchwarden role is best when the challenges, responsibilities and joys can be shared. So if you have relevant gifts and skills, and an interest in the future of All Saints' Church, then I encourage you to speak to Anne or to myself.

This month, I’d like to share a poem with you which I wrote a few days before Pentecost / Whit Sunday, inspired by a piece of artwork depicting a white dove, representing the Holy Spirit, against a blue background.  I hope that it will speak to you, and help you to reflect upon the Holy Spirit, and the way the Spirit acts in the world, throughout history and today.


‘Spirit of Joy’


At Pentecost,

her colours are red.

Red for danger

red for passion

red for fiery tongues.

Red hot.


Today, though, 

today her colours are blue.

Cool blue.

Blue for the watery deep

over which she hovered

in the beginning,

when the earth was a formless void.


Blue for the sky,

for the heavens torn apart

as she descended like a dove

on Him,

just as he was coming up,

out of the water.


Blue for the waters of baptism.

Blue for a baby boy,

born in Bethlehem,

born for me and for you.



Blue for vast open spaces,

clear skies and deep seas.

Blue for freedom,

an invitation to let go


and gallop across the seas

like the wild white horses

running atop the waves


the dove,

white wings tipped with gold

as she ascends


Spirit of Joy.


Come, Holy Spirit

set us free

to soar with you,

to let go,

to dance and sing,

to be clothed with power

from on high.



God Bless,

The Revd Karen x