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Parish News - February 2023

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The election for a new Parish Council is taking place on 4th May, and this is your chance to become a Parish Councillor.

The duties are not very arduous and you will be able to influence the running of the village. It is also an opportunity for the Parish Council to be refreshed with new people with new ideas about how things should be done. If you are interested then please contact me and I will tell you more about it.

The election for our District Councillor is also on 4th May. For the first time photo ID is needed to be able to vote at both elections. Many forms of ID are acceptable; alternatively, a free voter ID document can be obtained from

Two trees have been planted on the High Street verge near the pub, to replace the unsafe one which was removed last year. Thanks to Nicko King who planted them and to Eileen Robinson, John Paxton’s niece, who donated the money for the trees in memory of John.

Some Parish Councillors have been tidying up Cuddesdon Green by removing the undergrowth at the back, particularly the brambles. We would like to know what you think should be done to improve Cuddesdon Green further. In particular, we would like to hear from residents of Church Road about what they think of the screen of trees behind their houses.

We have pressed the County Council about the state of the bridge at Cuddesdon Mill and they have said they hope to repair it in the spring.

Planning permission has been granted for the modifications at Wesley House (P22/S4307/HH) and at Jubilee Cottage (P22/S3922/HH), both on Denton Hill.

The Parish Council has opposed erection of a garage at 1 Dove House Lane (P23/S0094/HH) because it is considered to be large and intrusive, although the proposed pergola at the same location is supported.

There is concern about SODC’s agreement to the landscaping proposals at Dove House Farm. The proposals mainly relate to the area near the road. There are only going to be a small number of trees and the decision ignores the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Denton Hill is going to be closed for the day on 9th March for pole replacement.

Mike Mount

Parish Clerk