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Parish News - May 2024

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I spoke too soon about replacement of the goal frames on the recreation ground.

The first one was fairly easy to replace but one of the posts of the second one was badly rusted into its socket. In trying to remove it, the post broke off because it was so badly rusted, so new sockets will need to be concreted into the ground. This work will be done as soon as possible. In the meantime only one goal will be available.

Chris Luke has been elected Chairman of the Parish Council for another year. Looking back at the records, this is his tenth year in the post, which is an admirably long time.

Admiral have put the Bat and Ball up for sale. It is my understanding this has happened because the person who took over running the pub had encountered some problems, particularly relating to the ventilation and extraction from the kitchen. The costs were very large and the landlord felt he could no longer continue to rent the pub.

Since the pub is an asset of community value, we were told as soon as Admiral decided to sell. Our community has to decide by 7th June whether we will put in an offer to buy the pub. If that goes ahead, then we have until the end of October to prepare an offer, and during that time Admiral are not allowed to accept offers from anyone else.

As Chris told you in last month’s Newsletter, I have decided to step down as Parish Clerk. I will write more about this later, but for now I would urge you to consider becoming the Parish Clerk. If you care about your community and have some time to spare then it might be something you would enjoy doing. It is a paid role and the duties are not very hard. I will be around and am very happy to be of assistance during the transition to the new Clerk to make sure everything runs smoothly. Please think about it.

Mike Mount

Parish Clerk