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Parish News - June 2024

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In May Admiral announced that that they intended to sell the Bat and Ball.

Because the pub is an asset of community value (ACV) we had the opportunity to decide whether we wanted to bid for it, although we had to make our minds up by 7th June. If we decided to bid, then there would be a moratorium until October while we prepared our bid, and no other sale would be allowed during that period.

Ben Moss who owns the Lamb in Little Milton was very interested in the pub when it was first vacated and now he has made an offer to buy it which Admiral have accepted. Mr Moss seems very enthusiastic and committed to the project, and the sale is well advanced. On this basis, the Parish Council felt that the best chance for the long term future of the pub was to allow the purchase to proceed, so they decided not to trigger the moratorium.

he Parish Council is very appreciative of all the work done by the group who obtained the ACV, particularly the contribution from Nicko King. This work has not gone to waste because it seems very likely that Admiral’s decision to sell after 18 months of inactivity was brought on by the pub becoming an ACV.

You can read more about the decision not to trigger the moratorium elsewhere in the Newsletter.

The Parish Council has been thinking about introducing measures to try to reduce speeding, particularly on the road in from Wheatley. However, possible alternatives such as an electronic sign triggered by speeding vehicles or white gates on the verges are both too expensive for us to be able to afford. But we are having the traffic speed measured on the road near the College to see how many people are speeding.

Obtaining a lease for the Community Orchard is taking a very long time because of difficulties with the solicitor. A new solicitor has now been employed so hopefully things will move a little faster.

Some of the newly planted fruit trees in the orchard are thriving but others are not doing so well, and one has died. The amount of roots the trees had was small which has made it difficult for them to bed in properly. Plans are in hand so they can be watered in dry weather, and work is nearing completion for the grant application to fund future developments.

Mike Mount

Parish Clerk