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Parish News - August 2024

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So, here is my final Parish Council report, with not very much to record this month.

Following the District Council’s refusal of the planning application for a double garage in the garden of 1 Dove House Lane (P23/S1892/HH), an appeal was made to the National Planning Inspectorate. The appeal has been successful, so building the garage can now go ahead.

The Parish Council thought long and hard about whether to activate the option for the community to buy the Bat & Ball, but they were increasingly convinced that Ben Moss was sincere in his commitment to run the pub. It is very pleasing to see that their decision to allow him to proceed unhindered has been vindicated, with purchase of the pub completed, and its reopening scheduled for a couple of months’ time.

Not so encouraging is the length of time it is taking to sort out the lease agreement for the Community Orchard. The opportunity for more planting this year may be missed, but hopefully the enthusiasm of the Orchard Group will not be diminished.

The road at Cuddesdon Mill is scheduled to be closed for a week from 30th September for a special inspection of the bridge.

And finally, I wish Dee Corney, the new Clerk, every success. Dee is an experienced Parish Clerk and so she understands well what is involved in her new role.

Mike Mount

Former Parish Clerk