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Parish News - December 2021

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Natta would still like to start doing the work to the lane at the Dove House development on 17th January but the County Council have not yet given permission for the road closure.

The Parish Council is concerned about the design of the bend in the lane at the high wall. The lane will effectively be narrower because there will be a footpath on the outside of the bend. The County Council have investigated this and said they are not prepared to change the design because it meets their safety requirements.

The bonfire night celebration did not take place last year and so it was welcome to see its return this year. The event went very well and there were almost exactly the same number of people attending as did two years ago, so we made a modest loss. The opportunity was taken to burn the trees which had fallen onto the recreation ground during the high wind, although the fallen ones down the slope still need to be removed.

The Parish Council would like to thank everyone who helped make the event such a success. Particular thanks go to Nicola Holmes-Brown, Therese Luke, Graeme Sellar, Salt Sellar, Tasha and Jez Turner, and Margaret Watts. And thank you to the Revd Karen Charman for judging the best guy. The competition was won by the original entry of a coronavirus which was burnt on the fire, and is most appropriate at present.

Some trees at the top of the recreation ground near the play area have been cut back so they are lower than the telephone cables. There had been complaints that the branches had been causing interference to the internet service for houses nearby.

The planning applications for the tithe barn and adjacent modifications at Dove House Farm (P21/3328/FUL and P21/3228/LB) have been approved by the District Council.

The planning application at Appletree Cottage, Denton for replacement of a garage by a garage and annexe (P21/S3174/HH) has been withdrawn and replaced with P21/S4573/HH which has a smaller replacement building. The Parish Council is pleased about the reduction in size but remains concerned about the lack of services.

The planning application for erection of a shed in the garden of 2 Dove House Lane (P21/S3711/HH) has been withdrawn and replaced with P21/S4424/FUL which is for a section of wall between plots 2 and 3 as well as for the shed. The application is supported by the Parish Council.

Mike Mount

Parish Clerk