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Parish News - January 2022

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The new project for the play area is replacement of the swings.

The existing sets of swings must be about 60 years old and they need to be replaced so that children can enjoy them for many years to come. We are applying for a grant from the landfill tax organisation which gave us a grant last time for the multiplay equipment. As part of the grant application process, we need to show that the community would like to have the swings replaced. Please email me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to say what a good idea you think it is to replace the swings and I will include the emails in the application.

As part of the Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations this year, local organisations are being asked to plant trees. These will be supplied free by the Woodland Trust. The Parish Council would like to be a part of this but we are concerned that there are not enough suitable public spaces where the trees could be planted. If you would like to suggest where you would like trees planted or are interested in being a part of the team who will manage the initiative, then please let me or one of the councillors know.

There is an ongoing problem with cars being parked in the disabled space outside the village hall and at the entrance to the recreation ground. Parking in the disabled space makes it more difficult for disabled people to park and enjoy the village hall. Parking at the recreation ground entrance prevents access as well as making it more dangerous for children crossing the road. Parking enforcement in the county is now the County Council’s responsibility and we are going to ask if they can enforce the parking regulations at this location.

The amount of dog mess on the recreation ground and on footpaths is increasing again. Some dogs are allowed to roam unattended and this makes matters worse. Can I plea as I do from time to time for dog owners to be in control of their pets and clear up after them. If there is no improvement then the Parish Council may insist that dogs are kept on a lead on the recreation ground.

We have received complaints about the fireworks which were let off on the recreation ground at the new year. The Parish Council was not responsible for this and would not have permitted it if they had known about it. If you want to have an event like this on the recreation ground, please ask the Parish Council first. And please will the people who let off the fireworks clear up the mess they have left by the village hall.

The planning applications for an extension and alteration works at Willow Cottage in Denton (P21/S3800/HH and P21/S3802/LB) and a garden shed and stone wall at 2 Dove House Lane (P21/S4424/FUL) have both been granted by the District Council.

The Parish Council supports the application for a garage at Chiltern View (P21/S4914/HH) and the amendment at 1 Dove House Lane to include walls and a gate (P21/S3304/HH).

The latest application for a garage and annexe at Appletree Cottage in Denton (P21/S4573/HH) has been withdrawn.

There is a new application at The Orchard in Cuddesdon to replace the existing lean-to extensions with new side and rear extensions (P22/S0075/HH and P22/S0077/LB).

And finally, welcome to Robin Baylie who is the new parish councillor replacing Salt Sellar.

Mike Mount

Parish Clerk